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The Hackerman Patz House turned into commercial studio when a camera crew taped a public service announcement to promote hand washing. The stars? Children related to Courtland Gardens and Levindale employees.

The message of the PSA is simple and important: wash your hands to prevent the spread of germs.

You can see for yourself how the children sing "Row, Row, Row, Your Boat" and explain
that, in order to get rid of germs, hands must be cleaned for at least 20 seconds, the time it takes to sing a sing.

The stars are nine children, who range in age from three to eleven.

?My grandchildren had a ball,? says Phyllis Jones, an administrative assistant at Levindale. ?They also understood what they were doing. Their schools have even taught them to sneeze into their elbows and to use hand sanitizers when necessary.?

?My son, Alex, practiced singing ahead of time,? says Jennifer Labute, administrator at Courtland Gardens. ?He wasn?t nervous at all in front of the camera and had a good time.
It?s great that he?s part of something created to help other children.?

The PSA is being broadcast on local television stations and is posted on the YouTube, icyou.com and at www.washyourhandsmaryland.org

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