Acupuncture is actually a gentle way to treat, despite the needles
Health News

Acupuncture is actually a gentle way to treat, despite the needles

Cheryl Truman of the Lexington Herald-Leader takes a look at acupuncture, an alternative form of medicine with practitioners across the state. "It's a really gentle form of medicine, even though there's needles," said Kathleen Fluhart, a nurse who first heard about acupuncture in the 1970s. "It just made sense."

There are 362 places on the body "where an acupuncturist can insert a needle to balance the flow of xi, or body energy, which in Chinese medicine flows in meridians throughout the body," Truman reports. Acupuncture can help treat sinus infections, allergies, fatigue and other side effects from chemotherapy and radiation treatments, tendinitis and plantar fascilitis.

Treatment centers like Houston's University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center and Boston's Dana Farber Institute both offer acupuncture treatment to cancer patients. "It's not a cure-all, but it is so amazing for certain things," said Elizabeth Armstrong, who practiced internal medicine for 17 years before becoming trained, and opening a practice in, acupuncture. (Read more)

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