Chiropractors cite research recommending 'conservative treatments' for low-back pain before prescribing painkillers
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Chiropractors cite research recommending 'conservative treatments' for low-back pain before prescribing painkillers

Recent research has questioned the effectiveness of acetaminophen for the treatment of spinal pain. In response, the American Chiropractic Association recommends that patients and health-care providers take a conservative approach to back pain. According to a study published in the British Medical Journal, the commonly administered painkiller isn't helpful for diminishing low-back pain.

According to a report released by the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Kentucky ranks among the top five states for opiate painkiller prescriptions written per 100 people, Deborah Highland reports for the Bowling Green Daily News.

"Research supports the use of more conservative treatments as a first-line defense against pain," said ACA President Anthony Hamm. "This sensible approach not only reduces healthcare costs but may also help some patients avoid riskier treatments altogether," he said in a news release that has exercise tips, posture recommendations and injury prevention techniques to help people maintain healthy backs throughout life.

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