Cut Your Diabetes Risk
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Cut Your Diabetes Risk

By Dr. Madelyn Fernstrom
Nearly 10% of the US population has type 2 diabetes. But you don?t have to be part of this group! The good news is that even making one key lifestyle change can reduce your risk by about one-third.

An NIH study showed how 5 specific lifestyle changes can reduce diabetes risk ? even with a family history of the disease. Reducing all 5 risk factors lowered the risk by up to 80%! It?s a perfect example of how a consistently healthy lifestyle can be an effective tool in preventing disease onset.

Lose a Little Bit of Weight: You don?t need have a BMI under 25 to get the health benefits of weight loss. Losing just 5% of your body weight ?counts? as significant weight loss; if you weigh 160 pounds, that?s just an 8 pound loss!

Stop Smoking: Heavy smokers (more than 20 cigarettes daily) are at greatest risk for diabetes. It?s hard to stop smoking, so seek some professional help to determine your own best tools. These include behavioral strategies, nicotine gum, electronic cigarettes, or medications that can help reduce cravings.

Keep Moving: Physical activity contributes to weight loss, but it has other major metabolic benefits, including blood sugar regulation and building of muscle mass. Try including include both aerobic (walking, running) and strength training (weights, bands) activities in your daily life.

Boost Your Fiber Intake: A big plus for both weight loss and digestive health, high fiber foods (fruits, vegetables, beans, seeds, whole grains) also contribute to a stable blood sugar.

Monitor Your Alcohol Intake: While a max of one daily drink for women and two for men has documented health value, too much alcohol can lead to organ (liver, pancreas) inflammation and impairment of function, ultimately contributing to impaired blood sugar control. If you don?t already consume alcohol, avoid adding it for a health boost.

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