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For every molecule of sugar we ingest, our bodies uses 54 molecules of magnesium to process it! No matter where the carbohydrates come from; 4 grams of carbohydrates equal one teaspoon of sugar in our body. Let me say that again?4 grams of carbohydrates equal 1 teaspoon of sugar in our body. So with that thought, a small Blizzard has 530 calories and 83 grams of carbohydrates; which equals 21 teaspoons of sugar. A nine ounce bag of potato chips equals 32 teaspoons of sugar?add a soda, that?s another 16 teaspoons of sugar.

A high sugar and starch diet increases the production of cortisol. Cortisol also regulates urinary excretion on magnesium. Magnesium is a miracle mineral that is needed for over 300 reactions in your body. It is needed to make serotonin, a deficiency causes high blood pressure, frequent urination, muscle cramps, restless leg, headaches, it also can cause chocolate cravings!

Are your kids having a hard time falling asleep? Most people are deficient in magnesium, including children. A magnesium deficiency can have serious consequences, including low serotonin. Magnesium and serotonin don?t just help to regulate your mood, they also can affect your physiology in many ways. Serotonin is a neurotransmitter that sends signals of satiety, satisfaction and relaxation. It also regulates our appetite and influences sleep cycles; if serotonin is low, melatonin will be low. So low magnesium can lead to over-eating, depression, insomnia and other serious issues including migraine headaches. Find more fun facts like this in my kids color cookbook. Click HERE to find.

Here is another wonderful comment!

Hi Maria,

I would like to toss my hat in the ring with your other success stories!

I am 46 and have never had known health issues or trouble with my weight- I was on the self-professed "all carb diet". About a year ago, I began to gradually pick up a pound here and there and my husband did as well.  This time around, however, cutting back on calories did not help us lose the weight!

I started looking into different diet approaches and came across your blog.... Needless to say I was at first very hesitant- how in the world could I live without my morning bagel?  But I decided to give it a try, just for a week, I told myself.  I was completely unprepared for how amazing I would feel almost instantly.  I had so much energy I could literally not sit still and lost 5 pounds in the first week- AND I was eating more than ever (all those 'forbidden' foods like eggs! Haha)

My mother was type ll diabetic, but since I had no obvious symptoms I had not been concerned- my fasting BS was fine and my doc sent me on my way.

After researching Insulin and Glucose I went back to the doctor and asked to have and A1c done in addition to my other bloodwork.  Sure enough I was pre-diabetic!  Sooooooo, by the time your fasting blood sugar is high, you have already done THAT MUCH MORE damage to your body!  I am so glad I ordered that test!

Now I am really serious about this change in diet/lifestyle- I purchased all your books and cleaned out my pantry.

In just 8 months I have reversed diabetics.  My fasting sugar is very low, A1c is also- but the really cool thing is when I do have something sweet (like strawberries) my sugar does NOT shoot up like it used to!  This tells me my insulin sensitivity is returning- I was terrified of becoming insulin dependent and this is so encouraging!

 Another bonus? My cholesterol is absolutely PERFECT.  Even my doctor is blown away and I am hoping she will begin counseling her patients differently.

My husband has had a different effect from junk foods- his hormones are completely out of whack and the weight is coming off very slowly- he feels so much better though, so is not having any trouble saying no to the junk- his blood work is also coming back perfect, telling us his body is healing also.

My son has suffered from seizures for several years- you guessed it, the seizures are almost non existent now!

It has been very interesting to see the effects of highly processed foods within our own family.

I have tried many low carb recipes and we really enjoy yours Maria- everything is very flavorful and I have had a great time experimenting!  I recommend your blog/books to everyone!

Keep up the great work Maria!

5 eggs
1 cup pumpkin, canned
1 tsp cinnamon
1/4 tsp Celtic sea salt
1/4 tsp nutmeg
1/3 cup Swerve (or erythritol and 1 tsp stevia glycerite)
1 cup heavy cream (or coconut milk)
1 cup unsweetened almond milk

OPTIONAL: Nature's Hollow Maple Syrup

Preheat the oven to 325 degrees. Boil water in a tea kettle and set aside. Grease a large muffin tin or cake pan generously with coconut oil.

In a large bowl add the eggs and sweetener and mix gently. Add the rest of the ingredients and mix well but not frothy. Pour the egg mixture into the greased pan (or large muffin tin). Place the flan filled pan into the roasting pan (water bath). Put the two pans into the preheated oven and add boiling water an inch or two up the sides of the custard pan. Cooking the custard surrounded by the water is called bain-marie. It distributes the heat more evenly. Cook the pumpkin flan for 45 minutes in a 325 degree oven. Check for doneness by inserting a sharp thin knife into the center of the flan. If it comes out clean it is done. If desired, top with Nature's Hollow Syrup. Makes 8 servings.

Traditional Pumpkin Flan = 188 calories, 10g fat, 5g protein, 22 carbs, 0.9g fiber (21.1 effective carbs)
"Healthified" Flan (cream and almond milk) = 106 calories, 8.8g fat, 4.2g protein, 3.4 carbs, 1g fiber (2.4 effective carbs)
"Healthified" Pumpkin Flan (coconut milk) = 124 calories, 10g fat, 4.6g protein, 4.6g carbs, 1.7g fiber (2.9 effective carbs)

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