Fighting Back From ?Weight Bullies"
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Fighting Back From ?Weight Bullies"

By Dr. Madelyn Fernstrom
When did the idea become acceptable that the personal weight issues of other people are somehow everybody?s business? Many people feel entitled to comment and judge others about whom they know nothing. They are who I call ?weight bullies.? Weight bullies are occurring with increasing frequency, and I believe they are a big step in the wrong direction! 
Here is a case in point: an overweight television anchor in Wisconsin received an email from a viewer commenting on her obesity. The remarks included (1) surprise that her physical condition had not improved over the years, (2) that she should present and promote a healthy lifestyle, and (3) that she was a poor role model, especially to girls.
While many overweight and obese people are judged ? both intentionally and accidentally ? the usual response is silence and hurt feelings. Many patients have told me they feel obesity is the last ?acceptable? area for open criticism and that they are not only hurt by comments, but feel they are somehow less worthy or deficient as human beings. 
This courageous TV anchor, Jennifer Livingston, fought back. She used the negative email she received as an opportunity to speak out against weight bullies. Talking directly to viewers while on the air, Ms. Livingston addressed all people who are not only struggling with their weight, but with other physical and emotional issues. Her message: ?Don?t let your self worth be defined by bullies.? You can watch the entire four-minute broadcast of her inspiring words on YouTube by clicking here. 

Have you experienced weight bullying? I?d love to hear your thoughts on the topic!

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