Freeze Now, Eat Later
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Freeze Now, Eat Later

By Dr. Madelyn Fernstrom

You know I?m a big fan of seasonal eating, and have been enjoying berries of all kinds ? at a great price. But berry season is a short one, and come the fall and winter, the local varieties will be long gone, and our markets will carry berries shipped in from thousands of miles away, lacking flavor and sold at crazy high prices. 
Packaged frozen berries are my go-to option in cold weather. Right now, I?m pre-planning and taking advantage of summer?s bounty by freezing berries on my own. If you?re thinking these will be a mushy mess by the time you thaw them out, I?ve got a great tip for freezing these little gems, winding up with frozen berries similar to those ?flash-frozen? in commercial bags.
Start with a cookie sheet, and spread your berries in a single layer, without any berries touching. Carefully place in the freezer, and wait several hours, until frozen solid. Transfer them into a freezer-type zip-lock bag, and you?re done.
Grab a handful to top your cereal or add to a mini-muffin batter or fruit salad. For a sweet treat, try eating right from the freezer ? nature?s candy! And while the texture, upon thawing, will be slightly softer than fresh, you?ll still get the intense flavor, color, and nutrients - and save a bundle.
Any other summer fruits and vegetables that you save to eat ?summer? in winter?

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