Group of 550 doctors in Central Ky. leaving Medicaid's Coventry
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Group of 550 doctors in Central Ky. leaving Medicaid's Coventry

A Lexington-area network of doctors says it will no longer contract with Coventry Cares, a Medicaid managed-care company, after Coventry said "it would begin to pay less than the established Medicaid rate in reimbursements ? as much as 10 percent less for care from specialists," Cheryl Truman reports for the Lexington Herald-Leader.

The Physicians' Network is a group of 550 independent physicians, headed by Dr. Ralph Alvarado of Winchester. He said the cuts will mean that some doctors will be paying to treat Medicaid patients.

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Coventry issued a statement saying, "This decision would not take effect until March 7, and we do not expect any network access issues for our members. That said, Coventry would like our members to continue enjoying access to this group of providers. We remain committed to continuing negotiations . . . " (Read more)

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