Keeping Your Infant Safe
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Keeping Your Infant Safe

Since 1989, U.S. hospitals have worked closely with the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children to implement measures designed to prevent infant abduction, such as the case of Carlina White. Over the last two decades, the number of in-hospital infant abductions has declined due to these preventative efforts.

Sadly, abductors have increasingly targeted homes, shopping centers and other public areas. Between 1983 through 2010, the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children reports an annual average of 9 to 10 documented infant abductions and that 95% of these abducted infants were located and safely returned to their parents ? usually within a few days to two weeks. While this is good news, nonetheless it is important for hospital staff and parents to work together to achieve the goal of making this a never event.

What can parents do to prevent an abduction from occurring? Here are some tips that Sharon M. Rossi, R.N.C., M.S., director of Women?s and Children?s Services at Sinai Hospital, says every parent needs to know and follow. Rossi was on Good Morning Maryland @ 9
on ABC last week.

In the hospital:
At home:
While shopping:

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