Kenton Co. smoking ban yields 15 complaints; citations next?
Health News

Kenton Co. smoking ban yields 15 complaints; citations next?

There have been 15 complaints to the Northern Kentucky Health Department since Kenton County's smoking ban took effect nearly two weeks ago. Because enforcement does not take effect until next week, no one has been cited yet, Cindy Schroeder of the Kentucky Enquirer reports.

The ban went into effect after the outgoing Kenton Fiscal Court approved the ordinance in December. It bans smoking in most workplaces, including "restaurants, churches, factories, offices, bingo halls, bowling alleys and stores," Schroeder reports. It does allow exemptions for bar and private clubs. So far, 65 drinking establishments and five private clubs have applied for exemptions, 62 of which have been approved.

The biggest the challenge to the health department so far has been to inform owners what they need to do to comply with exemption requirements. "Those include having a separate enclosed smoking section with its own air system and its own entrance," Shroeder wrote. "Also, no one under 18 can be employed or admitted." (Read more)

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