Kentucky Youth Advocates gets $100,000 to push for income-tax policies aimed at helping the poor improve their health
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Kentucky Youth Advocates gets $100,000 to push for income-tax policies aimed at helping the poor improve their health

Kentucky Youth Advocates is one of 12 coalitions nationwide to receive a "Roadmaps to Health" grant from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. The non-profit children's advocacy organization will receive $100,000 for two years to build statewide support for tax policies that would help low-income families keep more of their income to pay for doctor visits, healthier diets and weight-loss or smoking-cessation services.

The 12 grantees were selected from more than 300 initial applicants. "Kentucky Youth Advocates has long been a proponent of improving economic policies for families, and promoting child health throughout the state," said Tara Grieshop-Goodwin, deputy director of the coalition. "We know income can impact health, and we are excited to ahve the opportunity to combine our economic well-being efforts with our health work and look forward to fostering partnerships between advocates from both disciplines throughout the state." (Read more)

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