KET program will focus on children's health this Sunday
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KET program will focus on children's health this Sunday

A discussion about the problems Kentucky families and children face on a daily basis will be at the heart of this week's "One to One" with Bill Goodman on KET.

Dr. Terry Brooks, executive director of Kentucky Youth Advocates, will be speaking about the 2012 legislative session. The program airs Sunday at 1 p.m. EST and Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. EST.

KYA has been busy as of late, holding KIDS COUNT conversations in different parts of the state. A recent conversation in Hardin County painted a picture of the health status in the area as well as pointed out which public policies are in place to improve children's health. The conversation turned to topics like childhood obesity, oral health, health insurance, physical activity and birth-related indicators and outcomes like smoking during pregnancy and low-weight births.

The conversations are held in different counties about four times a year. Last week, there was another KIDS COUNT conversation in Jefferson County.

"We try to cover topics across the child's lifespan," said Amy Swann, KIDS COUNT coordinator. "We're touching on infants, touching on issues when they're still in utero, we're touching on school-age stuff, touching on teens."

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