Mint Chip Ice Cream and GIVEAWAY
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Mint Chip Ice Cream and GIVEAWAY

ChocoPerfection Giveaway!

Enter to win a box of ChocoPerfection bars! All you have to do is 3 things:
1. "Like" Maria Mind Body Health on Facebook
2. Leave a comment below that you would like to win and also include what "healthified" recipe you and your family enjoys the most.
3. Follow me on Pinterest. 
4. And now I am on Twitter.  Follow me HERE.

The winner will be picked on March 30th. Good Luck!  (Contest valid for USA only)

ChocoPerfection bars uses the sweeteners oligofructose, which is derived from ground-up chicory root, and erythritol, which comes from fermented natural foods. These ingredients don't effect insulin levels (zero on the glycemic index) or have a laxative effect like malitol. Most "low carb" chocolates use malitol which does increase blood sugar and often causes intestinal discomfort. So, here's to chocolate on a "diet!" Click HERE to find all "healthified" chocolates. 

I often get questions about the cost of the ingredients I recommend. I calculated the price for my ice cream recipe with all the top notch ingredients like organic coconut oil, Just Like Sugar and farm raised grass fed eggs. The results:

My recipe = $2.59 per pint.
Ben and Jerry's = about $4.00 per pint
A Medium shake from Dairy Queen (which is about a pint) = $2.99.

You can also buy most of the ingredients I use in bulk and store in a chest freezer to lower the cost even more! Eating healthy costs you a lot less in the long run due to medical bills but it can cost less now versus buying pre-packaged at the grocery store!

Making low sugar ice cream is tricky. If you use only erythritol or ZSweet for a sweetener, it hardens to a ROCK! BUT if you use "Just Like Sugar" (click HERE to find), it stays nice and creamy! Just like sugar is also made from the Chicory Root (Another trick is to always add a pinch of salt to the mixture.


5 egg yolks
3/4 cup "Just Like Sugar"
1/4 cup erythritol
1 tsp stevia glycerite
1 cup heavy whipping cream
1 cup unsweetnened almond milk
1 tsp spirulina (for health benefits and green color)
1 tsp Celtic sea salt
1 tsp mint extract or 1/4 cup pureed fresh mint leaves
1 Dark Chocolate ChocoPerfection bar, chopped fine

In a medium saucepan place the egg yolks and sweeteners in to mix on high with a hand mixer. Whip yolks until light in color and double in size. Stir in the whipping cream. Place the saucepan onto medium heat on the stove and cook, stirring constantly (I used my hand mixer). Stir until thickened into a custard. Remove from heat and stir in the almond milk, salt and mint. Let cool completely (I cooled was hard to wait!). Place into your ice cream machine (click HERE to find the one I love AND it is 1/2 off the original price!!!) and watch the magic happen within 45 or according to your ice cream maker's directions.  Stir in chunks of ChocoPerfection bar. Freeze until set. Makes 5 servings.

NUTRITIONAL COMPARISON (per 1/2 cup serving)
Baskin Robins Mint Chip = 270 calories, 16g fat, 5g protein, 28g carbs, 1g fiber
"Healthified" Mint Chip = 145 calories, 14g fat, 3.6g protein, 5.7g carbs, 4g fiber (1.7 effective carbs)

Just Like Sugar contains no sugar alcohols and does not case the laxative effect of some of the other sweeteners. It is composed of natural fiber obtained from Chicory Root, Calcium and Vitamin C.


1. CHOLESTEROL: It decrease the levels of serum LDL cholesterol in the blood.
2. INFLAMMATION: It contains vitamin C, one of the most powerful antioxidants.
3. DIABETES: The inulin content is not digestible, so its lack of glucose can help promote optimal blood sugar levels while also increasing stool bulk and consistency.
4. CONSTIPATION: It provides soluble fiber, which improves digestion.
5. GALL BLADDER ISSUES: It builds your body's resistance to gallstones and liver stones. By increasing the flow of bile, it assists the body in digesting foods and liquids. The extra bile also helps break down fats in the body.Chicory root has a mild laxative effect, increases bile from the gallbladder, and decreases swelling.
6. URINARY INFECTIONS, KIDNEY STONES and GOUT: It has diuretic properties that provide protection for the urinary tract system and kidneys. Toxins are removed and the cleansing of the body is stimulated because of an increase in urine flow. It has been used to expel gravel, calcium deposits, and excess uric acid from the body, which helps to prevent gout and kidney stones.
7. WEIGHT LOSS: Chicory root benefits weight loss because of the effect it has on the digestive system. It is an excellent source of fructooligosaccharides which help promote the growth of beneficial bacteria in your digestive tract. It also increases the rate of the break down of fats. It also helps with weight loss because it helps keep insulin levels low while enjoying sweet foods.
8. NATURAL "Liver" CLEANSER: Chicory root also supports the body's detoxification system through the liver and kidneys, and is believed to help with calcium absorption. Chicory also helps prevent jaundice and an enlarged liver when mixed with water. Because of Chicory Root?s potential for removing contaminants from the digestive system, the liver does not have to work as hard to filter out toxins that may have escaped into the bloodstream. It also acts as a gentle laxative and diuretic for removing excess water and toxins, and this can also reduce strain on the liver.
9. ANXIETY: It is a natural sedative and anti-inflammatory for the nervous system. If you have anxiety issues and still drink coffee, this sweetener can help.
10: INDIGESTION: It acts as an herbal antacid, the root neutralizes acid and correct acid indigestion, heartburn, gastritis, vomiting, upset stomach. Because it stimulates bile production, this helps to speed up the digestive process after eating too much rich food.

With all those benefits, it makes my ice cream taste extra special! Happy Eating!

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