One Step Closer to Knowing - DOI Issues QHP Guidance
Health News

One Step Closer to Knowing - DOI Issues QHP Guidance

Under the Affordable Care Act, one of the new options for individuals and small businesses to buy health insurance for themselves and their employees in 2014 will be the Illinois health insurance exchange or "marketplace."  On March 29, 2013, the Illinois Department of Insurance (DOI) issued guidance to Illinois insurers about the requirements for a plan to be certified as a Qualified Health Plan (QHP), which means that they meet all of the coverage and cost-sharing requirements of the Affordable Care Act and can be sold in the Illinois Marketplace. This brings us one step closer to knowing what the plans/process will look like beginning in 2014.

This guidance tells us that:
Lastly, insurers must file rates for review with the DOI and must submit a justification for a rate increase. Beyond these guidelines, however, the state does not have the authority to directly approve or disapprove of the rates insurance companies will charge. Many consumer advocates have recommended that the state grant the Department of Insurance more authority to review & deny insurance rate increases, as they do in other states. State legislation (SB 2344) is currently pending to do so. 

We'll report back in a few months to let you know additional progress on the QHP selection in Illinois in order to get ready for October 1, 2013 enrollment.
Stephani Becker & Stephanie Altman
Health & Disability Advocates 
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