Parents' insurance can now cover children up to age 26
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Parents' insurance can now cover children up to age 26

Following the lead of the federal health-care law, Kentucky employers can now extend health coverage to their employees' adult children. The employees will not be subject to state taxes if they opt for the coverage, Business Insurance's Jerry Geisel reports.

Gov. Steve Beshear signed House Bill 255 last week. "The law requires employers to extend health care coverage to employee's adult children up to age 26," Geisel reports. "Under prior Kentucky law, an employee's child had to be younger than 19, or 24 if a full-time student, for the coverage to be provided on a tax-free basis."

Similar laws have been passed in Arizona and Maine this year. The extended coverage has been one of the most highlighted pieces of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, which was signed into law a year ago tomorrow.

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