Start! Greater Baltimore Heart Walk Raises Money
Health News

Start! Greater Baltimore Heart Walk Raises Money

More than 8,000 people put their best feet forward recently for the 2009 Start! Greater Baltimore Heart Walk in Federal Hill Park.

The gray day didn?t dampen any spirits as runners and walkers trekked along the 5K route to raise money for research in the battle against heart disease and strokes.

And raise money they did?$900,000!

In addition to the dollars and cents, The Start! Heart Walk was designed to be a rewarding fun experience that promotes physical activity.

While it?s up to individuals to make strides toward heart-healthy living, some businesses are also pitching in to help their employees.

?These companies are a part of an elite group of organizations nationwide who have been able to attain the American Heart Association?s Fit Friendly designation,? Neil Meltzer, the president of the American Heart Association and the president of Sinai Hospital, told the crowd.

?They lead the way to inspire healthy workplaces and a culture of wellness in our community. At Sinai Hospital, we take great pride in our designation as a Fit Friendly Company.?

The Greater Baltimore Walk was on of three walks in Maryland and one of many more across the country.

Cardiovascular disease, including coronary heart disease and stroke, is still the number one killer in the United States. More than 860,000 Americans died from it in 2005.

However, most people can dramatically reduce their risks by making a simple changes in their daily lives and by receiving early diagnosis and treatment.

To make an appointment with a cardiologist or to learn more about heart disease, call 410-601-WELL (9355).

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