Supplies Delivered to Local Schools
Health News

Supplies Delivered to Local Schools

As part of Sinai Hospital's year-long 50th anniversary celebration, employees donated enough food and school supplies to fill a LifeBridge Health shuttle in July. Today $800 in school supplies were delivered to Cross County Elementary and Middle School and Pimlico Elementary and Middle School.

LifeBridge Health Marketing Communications Coordinator Betsy Haley, a member of the 50th anniversary committee, is pictured here taking some of the supplies into Cross Country.

Employees donated items ranging from spiral notebooks, pencils, binders, puzzles, crayons, glue, construction paper and scissors. The amount of supplies filled 30 boxes, with 15 going to each school.

In this picture, Pimlico principal Elneeta Jones and Acting Assistant Principal Cynthia Schley stand by some of these supplies. The administrators said the supplies are very appreciated. One recent study showed that almost half of parents spend up to $250 on back-to-school supplies.

Baltimore City Public Schools begin August 31. To read their back-to-school checklist, click here.

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