Tiramisu Pops AND Tap vs Bottled Water
Health News

Tiramisu Pops AND Tap vs Bottled Water

Swerve 4th of July Deal!

Swerve has a 4th of July deal.  It?s Buy 2 for $21.99, Get 1 Free on 16 ounce Granular Bags!  That averages to $7.33/lb.  Unlimited packages (so if someone buys 4 ? they get 2 Free).  Shipping is only $5.00 (if under $30 and free shipping if over $30).  Good now through Sunday, 7/7/13 12 midnight PST.

Just go here to get stocked up!

My Friend Jamie

I want to introduce you to a very special woman in my life, Jamie Schultz. When I was just a struggling writer with a handful of clients, this cute girl came up to me at the gym and said, "I LOVE your book, but your cover needs work!" I just smiled and didn't think I could do much about the cover, but little did I know, this woman was not just any woman! She is the most talented photographer I know! To see just how talented she is, you must check out this blog. But my favorite blog of her's is This Lunch Rox, which combines Jamie's passion for health and her children!

Photo from This Lunch Rox
I love the story of how she became a photographer. Before children, Jamie was a high school teacher. She left her job as a teacher to stay home with her boys and found herself dabbling in photography and writing articles on how to take better photographs for scrapbooking magazines. Over the years her small business blossomed into something bigger at which time she opened a beautiful studio space in downtown Hudson, Wisconsin.  Her thriving business keeps her very busy and she travels a lot, but she still makes time to come to our class at the gym where we've developed a lasting friendship.

Besides her amazing talent, what stands out to me is her passion for giving to others. Shortly after she met me and learned about our adoption story, she offered to photograph my book cover and portrait photos FOR FREE! I was in no position to pay for a professional photographer (especially one as talented as Jamie whose client list is very impressive!)

Once she finished the book cover, she insisted that I start a blog and Facebook Fan-page to help spread the word of health. I looked at her with a blank face... what is a blog? Who knew a blog could help lift my spirits! While watching my boys grow up in an orphanage, this blog helped me get up in the morning when I was going through the most difficult time in my life!

Yep, we all need to thank Jamie for pushing me in the right direction. Without her, I have no idea where my family would be right now. It seems like everything fell into place, just like it did with Jamie. When Craig lost his job just after we became parents to Micah and Kai, without her, we wouldn't be in this situation. I know it. She was sent to me by an angel!

Thank you Jamie for your generosity. I will never be able to thank you enough for what you have done for my family.


Do you spend the extra money on bottled water? The photos on the bottle bring to mind the idea of health, with the photos of fresh springs and mountains, but where does that water really come from?

I have a few issues with bottled water...

1. The plastic that embraces the water is estrogenic. Most of the clients I see are estrogen dominant and it takes time and detoxing to get rid of it (there are 3 types of estrogen and I am referring to the bad estrogen). Especially when the plastic water bottles are sitting in a hot semi while being shipped to the stores, that water becomes estrogenic to our body. The heat reacts with the chemicals in the plastic of the bottle which releases dioxin into the water. Dioxin is a toxin increasingly found in breast cancer tissue (microwaving in plastic and using plastic wrap on hot foods also produces dioxin). Even men are at risk for absorbing excess estrogen in their cells. Signs of estrogen dominance are belly fat, headaches, migraines, hypothyroidism, low libido, cystic acne (especially around the mouth), PMS, and fibroids, just to name a few. Don't waste your time getting tested for excess estrogen, it is NOT accurate. Those blood tests can not measure the estrogen hidden in the fat cells.

I never recommend drinking from plastic. I use a glass water bottle like the one in the photo: Click HERE to find.

Photo from HERE.

2. It is NOT healthier than tap water. As you can clearly see in the chart, the regulations for bottle vs tap water are clear. Another important piece of information to point out is that bottled water in the US falls under the regulatory authority of the FDA, but on average 70% of bottled water never crosses state lines for sale, making it exempt from FDA oversight.

3. It creates a lot of garbage! It has been shown that over 80% of plastic water bottles are thrown in the garbage, despite all of the efforts to make recycling easier for consumers.

4. IT IS EXPENSIVE! Instead, spend your money on a glass water bottle (or 3... I have many with me at all times). Instead of spending your money on bottled water, invest in a filter on your tap. Reverse osmosis water is best. Getting rid of fluoride and chlorine in your water is important. These two minerals are known causes of thyroid disorders. I also would seriously consider investing in a Reverse Osmosis water filter to get rid of all chlorine and fluoride in the water you drink. Click HERE to find.

1 oz decaf organic espresso
4 oz mascarpone cheese, softened (or coconut cream if dairy allergy)
3/4 cup unsweetened vanilla almond milk (or coconut milk)
4 TBS Swerve (or erythritol and 1 tsp stevia glycerite)
1 tsp rum extract
4 TBS coconut oil
4 TBS unsweetened cocoa powder
1/4 tsp stevia glycerite (or to desired sweetness) OR 2 TBS of Swerve confectioner
1/8 tsp rum extract
OPTIONAL: small pieces of ChocoPerfection bars

In a bowl, mix all the ingredients until smooth. Pour mixture into Popsicle molds. Place in freezer for at least 2 hours. Meanwhile, make the chocolate coating. Melt coconut oil over low heat. Stir in chocolate, natural sweetener and extract until smooth. Allow to cool to room temperature before dipping the frozen popsicles. Dip the pops into the chocolate (or use a spoon to drizzle the coating over the pops). Sprinkle chunks of ChocoPerfection bars on the bars and coat with another layer of chocolate coating.  Place on a piece of parchment and place back into the freezer for a moment, so the shell can harden. Makes 4 servings.

To find my favorite popsicle molds, click HERE.

Traditional Pops (using cream and sugar) = 339 calories, 24g fat, 4g protein, 29.6 carbs, 1.8g fiber (27.8 effective carbs)
"Healthified" Pops (using almond milk and Swerve) = 174 calories, 16.3g fat, 4.6g protein, 4.2g carbs, 2g fiber (2.2 effective carbs)

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