Update on SB 1194 (The Insurance Navigator Act)
Health News

Update on SB 1194 (The Insurance Navigator Act)

Starting October 2013, an estimated 1.6 million Illinois residents will be eligible for new and affordable forms of public and private health insurance coverage under the Affordable Care Act. But the overwhelming majority of the newly eligible have no idea how to access these options. Many Illinoisans will need more information and guidance through the enrollment process.

The Affordable Care Act requires each state?s Health Insurance Marketplace to establish a Navigator Program that will guide these individuals through their new coverage and enrollment options. These Navigators will serve an important role in ensuring that individuals benefit from the ACA.

On January 30th, the potential efficacy of the Navigator program was threatened by the introduction of Illinois Senate Bill 1194, which would create overly restrictive criteria for organizations applying for and performing navigator functions.

Here are the issues with SB1194 (as it was introduced):
Consumer advocates and community based-providers recognized these issues, and successfully lobbied state Senators to make changes in the bill.

Here?s what changed:

What?s happening now?

These amendments were filed on April 22nd, passed in the Senate on the 24th, and were referred to the House Rules Committee earlier today. You can follow SB 1194?s status here.Thanks to all of the advocates for raising your voices against restricting the navigators in this new health care system.

Nadeen Israel
Policy Associate, Heartland Alliance for Human Needs & Human Rights

Please contact Nadeen at [email protected] for more information on SB1194.

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