Vaccines Important for Public Health
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Vaccines Important for Public Health

With all the talk about the H1N1 virus (swine flu), it?s a good time to talk to your physician about what vaccines you may need. A recent Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and Prevention study, conducted in the summer of 2007, indicates that not enough American adults are getting vaccinated and as a result are leaving themselves vulnerable to a range of avoidable disease
?Vaccinations are second only to washing your hands in terms of prevention of disease,? says John Cmar, M.D., a faculty member in the Division of Infectious Diseases at Sinai Hospital. ?Vaccines and using them are among the most successful things we do today as a measure of public health.?
Relatively new vaccines tackle diseases such as meningitis and shingles. Click here to read more.

- No Link Between Vaccines And Autism
This week yet another report showed that a study linking vaccines to autism was fraudulent. The controversy began more than a decade ago. In 1998, British physician Andrew Wakefield published a study indicating that the common MMR (Measles, Mumps, Rubella)...

- "swine Flu": Myths, Facts And Communication
I was recently interviewed by Philip and Lisa Mulford for this week's episode of their audio show, Communication 360. From the episode description: Every day [swine flu] is in the news, often with conflicting information. Even the medical community...

- No Soap? Then Hand Washing Is A Waste Of Time
I hear there's some sort of "flu virus" going around. There will be plenty more to say about that soon. For now, it's worthwhile to call your attention to this piece Lifebridge Health submitted to Newswise concerning exactly how poor of a job...

- As "swine Flu" Excitement Fades, Hand Washing Should Still Remain
by: John Cmar, MDFaculty, Division of Infectious DiseasesSinai Hospital of Baltimore Good news, everyone!  We have not seen the End of Days due to pandemic "swine flu" in the past week, and society still stands! What we have seen is the expected progression...

- "swine Flu" Is No Cause For Panic, But A Good Cause To Wash Your Hands
by: John Cmar, MD Faculty, Division of Infectious Diseases Sinai Hospital of Baltimore Anyone exposed to the media reporting on "swine flu" this past week could come away with the impression that the whole of civilization is soon to collapse under the...

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