What's your diet personality?
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What's your diet personality?

by Dr. Madelyn Fernstrom

You know by now that I?m an advocate of the ?one size does not fit all? school of weight loss. And one key factor in choosing the best plan for you is understanding your diet personality.

When it comes to eating, we all have different patterns that pertain to our daily lives. When you take a step back, and look at the kind of eater you are, it?s a lot easier to design a plan that works for you. Sticking with your natural tendencies is an easy boost to your confidence. When you accept that it?s all about calories in, and calories out, it makes sense that there are multiple variations of this theme ? and no special secrets involving food combinations or extreme restrictions.

Here are some of diet personality types that I see everyday. Do you recognize yourself in any of them? Are you a:

(1) 3-meal a day eater or a grazer?

(2) Carb-lover or a meat-eater?

(3) Restaurant eater or at-home cook?

(4) Volume eater or intense flavor eater?

(5) Day eater or Night eater?

There are solutions to manage all of these preferences that sustain weight loss and maintenance. If you?ve struggled with a plan ? and wonder why it?s not working for you, while others have succeeded, take a closer look at your eating style. Maybe the plan is just not a good fit for you.

Awareness of your diet personality can make the difference between weight loss frustration and success!

Here is a recent podcast where you can hear me discussing more about Diet Personalities.

Diet Personalities by Dr. Madelyn Fernstrom by UPMChealthplan

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