An ?Eggs-tra? Special Holiday Appetizer
Health News

An ?Eggs-tra? Special Holiday Appetizer

By Dr. Madelyn Fernstrom

When you think of a healthy and easy appetizer for a holiday party, do your thoughts go to a fresh vegetable platter, or some dry roasted mixed nuts? While these are reliable go-to items, I?m often asked about other choices. The major complaint? Boring!

I?d like to suggest one of my favorites ? a dish that?s not only healthy, but a very economical choice. It?s my variation on a deviled egg. Slice a peeled, hard boiled egg in half lengthwise, scoop out and discard the yolk. Add a spoonful of prepared hummus (any variety), and sprinkle with paprika. These delicious little gems weigh in at only around 25 calories each, and are a big hit everywhere!

Here?s a fool-proof method for cooking perfect hard boiled eggs, with a firm, creamy white perfect for stuffing! Cover the eggs with room temperature water in a pot, to cover, and bring to a boil. Simmer the eggs for 10 minutes, then dump the hot water, and rinse well in very cold water. Crack the cooked eggs, so the shells are broken all over. You?ll find the shells pull off very easy. Chill the whole hard boiled eggs for easier slicing (and discarding of the yolks).

Another tasty variation: Instead of hummus, try some prepared pesto. Skip the paprika, and add a sprinkle of parmesan cheese instead.

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