Be a Savvy Label Reader
Health News

Be a Savvy Label Reader

by Dr. Madelyn Fernstrom

If you?ve read a food label recently, you might compare it to an encyclopedia entry. So much information packed into such a tiny space!

And it?s not just reading the label ? but translating this information to support an informed choice. A lot depends on your own personal needs.

- Trying to lose or gain weight? Serving size and calories matter most.

- Eating for heart health? The amount and type of fat are key.

- Blood pressure issues? Salt is a primary concern.

- Diabetic? Sugars take on major importance.

Don?t be fooled by ?front of the package? information that seems like a short-cut to the back panel label. The information on the front is not regulated by the FDA, and often more of an eye-catcher than a source of accurate information. Words like ?good source of whole grain? and ?supports a healthy immune system? sure sound healthy, but don?t mean a lot when it comes to nutrient-rich foods.

A good rule of thumb is to start at the top of the label. Look at the calories and serving size ? and how many servings are in the whole package. Feel free to adjust the recommended serving size ? and downsize if you want less. A one cup standard portion of brown rice (at 200 calories per cup) might be too much for a side-dish, but cutting that to ½ cup serving can be just right.

With a little practice, label-reading becomes quick and automatic. It?s worth the effort!

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