What's a Serving? Use Your Hand!
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What's a Serving? Use Your Hand!

by Dr. Madelyn Fernstrom

While we all agree that serving sizes are gigantic, what?s challenging is trying to figure out what counts as the appropriate amount for a single serving. This is an important question both for weight control, and overall healthy eating.

We?re not walking around with food scales and measuring cups (at least I hope not!) ? and it?s really easy to confuse all of the comparisons you?ve heard a million times before. Serving size terms like a tennis ball, checkbook, computer mouse, a shotglass, a pair of dice, a lightbulb ? the list goes on and on. Sound familiar?

I?d like to share a really simple way, using your hand, to gauge your portion sizes. It?s my ?favorite rule of thumb? (pun intended!), especially when I?m away from my kitchen!

While these are not precise measurements, they go a long way to helping you figure out portion control ? and help support mindful eating.

Let me know how you figure out portion sizes!

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