Beef Stroganoff with Cabbage Noodles
Health News

Beef Stroganoff with Cabbage Noodles

Testimony of the Day

"Thank You Thank You! With your help, I am off the anti-depressant that I had been taking off & on for almost 20 years, wow I can't believe it!  I had been convinced that it was something I was going to have to take for the rest of my life. I feel great, I still get a little emotional the week before my period, but it is manageable.  In addition to that, I am off the Armour thyroid.  I will have my levels checked again in two months, but the last time it was checked I was holding in the normal range.

Also, when I started working with you I was on the verge of having my gallbladder out, which I am happy to say, I sill have my gallbladder with no significant issues. Anyway, thank you again, I know if I would not have found you, I would not feel so amazing!!!" 

If you want to get off your prescription medications, click HERE to get you on the right path! 
You deserve it!

1 pound ground beef, or thinly sliced beef
Butter, for frying
Half a small onion
1 tsp tomato paste
1 clove crushed garlic
2 cups beef broth
1/2 cup sour cream

Fry the meat and mushrooms in butter on medium/high heat. Remove from the skillet and sautee onions and garlic till onions are tender. Add tomato paste, then the meat. Pour enough beef broth to almost cover the meat. Simmer on low till meat is tender, about 1 1/2 hour... and about 30 minutes for ground beef. Most of the broth should have evaporated. Taste and add salt and pepper to taste. Add in the sour cream and heat through.

Makes 4 servings
"Healthified" Beef Stroganoff = 334 calories, 16.7g fat, 39g protein, 5.3g carbs, 0.7g fiber (4.6g effective carbs)

Serve over Cabbage noodles

Cabbage Noodles

Slice cabbage into egg noodle widths. Stir fry in butter (or you could boil it in water) for 5-10 minutes or until very tender.

Nutritional info (per cup)
White Pasta = 43 carbs, 5 fiber, 246 calories
Cabbage = 5 carbs, 2 fiber, 22 calories

Cabbage: Contains vitamin C and folic acid. Cabbage protects against stress, infection and heart disease, as well as many types of cancers, according to the American Association for Cancer Research. To avoid gas after eating cabbage, add a few fennel, caraway or cumin seeds before cooking. Cabbage is also a good source of blood-sugar-stabilizing fiber, and the raw juice of cabbage is a known cure for stomach ulcers.

Plan Plan Plan is the key to success

Recipes like my cabbage "pasta" can be found in my cookbook The Art of Healthy Eating Slow Cooker. Cabbage is so cheap and lasts forever, I always keep one in my fridge. Cabbage pasta can be made days ahead of time and stored in an air tight container in the fridge for easy additions to dinner.
One trick that works for our family is that Craig helps clean up after dinner, while I prepare dinner for the next night. I often fill my slow cookers with a main dish, side dish and dessert (yes, I have 3 beloved slow cookers). Then in the morning, all I have to do is take the slow cooker shell out of the fridge and turn them on. That takes so much stress and anxiety out of my day!
To get over 300 slow cooker recipes, check out The Art of Healthy Eating: Slow Cooker, click HERE to order. 
My favorite slow cooker is $40 off today! Click HERE to find. 
And this one is more affordable and is $10 off today. Click HERE to find.
Happy Eating! Thank you all for your love and support!


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