My husband's favorite "Pasta"
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My husband's favorite "Pasta"

Testimonies of the Day (Yes, they all came the same day!)

MOOD TESTIMONY: "Hi Maria, Thank you for your wonderful advice!  I started your plan a couple of months ago and I am so happy with how I am feeling.  Mentally and emotionally this is the healthiest I have felt in many, many years! I am off my depression medication and I am sleeping so much better.  I feel more motivated and have more energy than I can ever remember having before. I honestly can't imagine feeling any better than I do right now!"- Carrie

WEIGHT LOSS AND GUT HEALTH: "It's day 6 and I've lost 6! I feel good too! No bloating, sore intestines and great energy! Thanks Maria!" -Nan

AUTISM TESTIMONY: "Hi Maria! My family saw an immediate shift in behavior with a gluten, casein  soy, and sugar free diet. I honestly thought that we would have a grieving period over cake pops from Starbucks. In the past we had an upset little girl every time she saw that dang green mermaid. I honestly think yanking the processed sugar out COMPLETELY was way bigger for our child. She is 4 and has an autism diagnosis. It's mostly speech and language we are dealing with so explaining the changes to her was not gonna help a thing. She's on a whole new protocol, but this diet was the first step. Very impressed by the removal of sugar. She takes one simple no for an answer now. It's crazy."- Heather

CONSTIPATION TESTIMONY: "Maria, it's amazing - after just one day on the supplements no bleeding or pain during and after #2 for the first time since August! Thank you :)" -April

WEIGHT LOSS AND MIGRAINE TESTIMONY: "I've been eating the Maria way for 19 days and feel great. The webinar you taught really helped too. I've lost 8lbs and I'm never hungry! Thank you! My husband has migraines 3-4 times a month and hasn't had one yet this month!" -Stephanie

If you want to start your path to healing, click HERE. I'd be honored to help!

1 head of cabbage (cut into long strips, like noodles)
Garlic and spices for cabbage
2 links Bolinski's chicken sausage (cut into 1/4 in pieces)
1/2 jar of No Sugar Added Marinara Sauce
1 cup freshly grated Parmesan cheese

Lightly saute cabbage with 1/2 TBS butter or coconut oil. I added a tsp of garlic and a teaspoon of spices (with NO fillers). Saute until soft like a noodle. I added pre-cooked chicken sausage, marinara, and fresh cheese. An easy AWESOME dinner. I served it with a piece of homemade protein bread.

White Pasta = 246 calories, 43 carbs, 5 fiber
Cabbage "Pasta" = 22 calories, 5 carbs, 2 fiber

Plan Plan Plan is the key to success

Recipes like my cabbage "pasta" can be found in my cookbook The Art of Healthy Eating Slow Cooker. Cabbage is so cheap and lasts forever, I always keep one in my fridge. Cabbage pasta can be made days ahead of time and stored in an air tight container in the fridge for easy additions to dinner.
One trick that works for our family is that Craig helps clean up after dinner, while I prepare dinner for the next night. I often fill my slow cookers with a main dish, side dish and dessert (yes, I have 3 beloved slow cookers). Then in the morning, all I have to do is take the slow cooker shell out of the fridge and turn them on. That takes so much stress and anxiety out of my day!
To get over 300 slow cooker recipes, check out The Art of Healthy Eating: Slow Cooker, click HERE to order. 
My favorite slow cooker is $40 off today! Click HERE to find. 
And this one is more affordable and is $10 off today. Click HERE to find.
Happy Eating! Thank you all for your love and support!


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