Boost Your Body Image With Exercise
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Boost Your Body Image With Exercise

By Dr. Madelyn Fernstrom
Have you ever looked in the mirror, and wished you were slimmer, taller, more muscular, or more petite? If so, you?re not alone. Nearly two-thirds of American adults are dissatisfied with their bodies.

New evidence indicates that there?s a simple solution to at least feeling more positive about your present body, even if you can?t change the shape. The solution? Increasing physical activity! An important observation here: whether the physical health benefits of exercise were measurable or not, people felt better about their bodies, just by moving more! Neither duration nor intensity of exercise appeared to matter. Just taking a walk, and moving more in their day-to-day lives, was just what a lot of people needed to help support a better self-image.

A modest effort for a significant positive health outcome ? a better self-image helps sustain focus and interest in a healthy lifestyle. That?s what I call a real win-win!

Have you felt this ?value-added? of being more active? Please share your thoughts!

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