Edible Containers
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Edible Containers

By Dr. Madelyn Fernstrom
I?ve discovered the most wonderful new serving containers for my food ? fruits and vegetables! It?s the ultimate recycling -- a fun (and healthy) use to some of our favorite foods of late summer and early fall as part of our meal. And these edible containers come in all sizes and colors: green or yellow zucchini, red or yellow tomatoes, red or orange peppers, purple eggplant, and white mushrooms.
Stuff these vegetables with anything from rice to ground meat, mashed beans, or even other vegetable mixtures for a hot dish. Bake for about 45 minutes in a 375-degree oven. Or go chilled with a chicken or tuna salad stuffing.
Try one of my personal favorites: Hollow out a red cabbage and use it as an edible bowl for a low-fat dip, surrounded by carrots, celery, and other raw vegetables.
And don?t forget about fruit! A baked apple or pear, hollowed out to make room for raisins and walnuts, is ready to eat after about 40 minutes in a 350 degree oven. 
This is what I call having fun with food, and I bet the kids in your life will enjoy these as well!

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