Enjoy Your Holiday Eating!
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Enjoy Your Holiday Eating!

By Dr. Madelyn Fernstrom

With a big holiday weekend coming up ? spanning both Easter and Passover ? many of us are anticipating family time that includes all kinds of special holiday foods. 

I think it?s time we all started to look forward to holiday eating with a sense of controlled indulgence, rather than the ?it?s a holiday so calories don?t count? point of view. It?s important, because holiday eating occurs much more often than we think ? and we have very short memories when it comes to food! When you tally up major holidays, family birthdays, sports events, weddings, and more, it?s not just an occasional splurge we?re talking about.

There?s just one recommendation I have (and use myself!) to be a smart, guilt-free indulger for all holidays. THINK before you eat. This doesn?t mean don?t eat ? it means make a better choice.

Ask yourself if a certain food is worth the splurge or simply eaten because ?it?s there.? For buffets, take a minute to scan the whole table, and focus on your favorites. Can?t decide? Indulge in everything by creating a downsized serving of each: Nix the huge serving spoon or ladle and use a tablespoon. 

Skip that dreaded sense of deprivation by giving yourself permission to enjoy everything on the holiday table, if you choose. And eat what you like best. Avoid the ?food is love? mentality ? and never eat because you want to please the cook. You DO have control over what you choose to eat or not eat!

Holidays are wonderful family and food times. Learning to make holiday eating part of your long-term personal eating routine is worth the effort!

What strategies keep you on track? 

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