Immediate Benefits of Exercise
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Immediate Benefits of Exercise

By Dr. Madelyn Fernstrom

We all know the benefits of regular physical activity on our long-term health. But many people do not find that the reward of sustained good health is sufficient for them to stick with any activity plan. Some new information has emerged, which shifts the focus away from the long-term benefits of exercise, to the ?immediate? benefits of exercise. 

So, how soon is ?immediate?? That?s defined as during the activity, and within the next few hours. Here?s a perfect example for the working Mom. Instead of the advice to ?make sure to accumulate 150+ minutes per week of activity,? which can be a very frustrating message, the updated idea is to take a family walk (children, partner, others) after dinner, for 20 minutes or so. The immediate benefits are digestive health, additional family time, regular activity for Mom (to relieve stress and sleep better), and setting an example for her children that being active is fun. It?s an immediate sense of well being that can have great appeal for busy people.

We all want to be more active, and lack of time is often cited as the reason we don?t move more. It will be interesting to see if the ?valued added? of the immediate benefits of physical activity provide the sustained support so many people need.

Does this idea appeal to you? I?d love to know!

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