Boost Your Activity With Interval Training!
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Boost Your Activity With Interval Training!

by Dr. Madelyn Fernstrom

I?m always hearing from people who have a lot of interest in exercising, but not a lot of time. It IS a real problem, without an easy answer. But there?s at least one way to boost your fitness without spending more time ? and that?s with a strategy called ?interval training.?

Interval training can work if you?re a beginner or have an established workout routine. The goal is to incorporate more rigorous intervals for a few minutes, throughout your exercise, to boost your calorie burn, without adding more time.

Always check with your doctor before changing your present physical activity plan, or if you?re just beginning a new exercise routine. For starters, ?pick up the pace? of whatever activity you?re doing, just for a minute or two. Walking outdoors? Try a slow jog. On a treadmill? Adjust the speed or the incline. On an elliptical or bike? Turn up the resistance. You get the picture.

You?ll want to feel challenged for a minute or two, then turn back to your original pace, gradually lengthening your interval to about 5 minutes or so. That?s the do-it-yourself version to start, but if you enjoy this type of exercise, seek the advice of an exercise physiologist or certified trainer to develop a specific interval training plan to optimize your fitness routine.

An added plus? Independent of the fitness benefits of interval training, many people just like to ?shake up? their activity ? which can help you stick with any exercise plan!

What do you think of interval training?

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