Keep Your Home Safe
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Keep Your Home Safe

By Dr. Madelyn Fernstrom

August is a popular time to pack up and take a vacation. But how secure is your home? With the rush to get packed and out the door on time, we often forget to carry out a home-safety check. A few quick and easy steps can keep your home secure. According to safety experts, here are a few key factors to follow. I use them myself.  Check them out!

-If you have a security system, remember to use it. While the outdoor signage is a deterrent to potential break-ins, it?s essential to set the alarm before leaving.

-Double check that all of your doors and windows are locked. This is especially true for less frequently used doors and windows that you might accidentally leave open.

-Store valuables in your child?s room. Thieves tend to skip children?s rooms and focus on the master bedroom. Avoid leaving a jewelry box on the bureau.

-Avoid loading up your car the night before if you park your vehicle outside. It?s a major sign that you?ll be leaving for a trip. Instead pack up the car quickly right when you?re ready to leave.

-Remember to stop your mail and newspaper deliveries. And have a neighbor or friend stop by to pick up any deliveries or flyers left on your doorstep.

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