Perk Up Your Water!
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Perk Up Your Water!

by Dr. Madelyn Fernstrom

We?re always hearing how important it is to ?hydrate? and keep your fluid intake up. While it?s clearly important to downsize liquid calories, people are always asking me what else they can drink instead of water. I?ve heard all kinds of reasons, from ?it?s so boring,? to ?it has an off taste? to ?I don?t trust tap water? to ?I?m sick of it.? If this sounds familiar, read on!

A new product just hit the market that makes it easy to perk up your water ? in any form, whether from the tap, a water cooler, or bottled. Called MiO (Italian for ?mine?), it?s described as a liquid water enhancer, and comes in multiple fruit flavors and a couple of teas. Packaged in a small tear-drop shaped bottle ? you simply squirt a small amount in your water. Totally portable and convenient, and no mess. Plus, YOU control the taste ? as the intensity of flavor and sweetness is based on how much you choose to add. Available in the drink aisle of your local supermarket, it contains a low-calorie sweetener combination, so it?s great for dieters and diabetics.

While a slice of lemon or lime, or splash of juice is always an option to give your water a little kick - it?s not always convenient. Give MiO a try, if you?re looking for something new and different ? and let me know how you like it!

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