Sesame Noodles with Chili Oil and Scallions
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Sesame Noodles with Chili Oil and Scallions

Did you know that in 90% of cases, hypothyroidism is an autoimmune disease? Did you know that autoimmune thyroid disease and is linked to a gluten intolerance? Hashimoto?s and Graves? are most likely caused by a gluten intolerance.

What happens is that the cell structure of gliadin (the protein in gluten) resembles the thyroid gland. If you don't have a healthy intestinal lining, you can create holes; enter Leaky Gut. When this happens food leaks into the bloodstream and since your blood doesn't know what the substances are, it puts your immune system into overdrive to kill the foreign substance (this is why I have my clients get a thyroid 'antibody' test; it helps determine if there is a food allergy). So if you are eating skim milk and cereal for breakfast, you will most likely have a dairy and wheat allergy.

These antibodies produced to attach the gliadin in the blood, also causes the body to attack the thyroid. If you continue to eat gluten, your immune system will attack your thyroid. Some clients mistakenly think they can eat small amounts of bread or gluten on the weekend or at a party, BUT nope. The immune response to gluten can last up to 6 months every time you consume it. In order to stop the destruction of the thyroid, you have to be 100% gluten-free. Gluten, even "whole grains," contain phytates that damage our intestinal lining and inhibit nutrient absorption.

Many people make the mistake of running to their doctor for an allergy blood-test to find out if a food allergy is the root of their problems. The main issue with this is that blood tests are about 90 percent INACCURATE! Crazy but true. If I notice a food sensitivity with a client, our success comes by an elimination diet along with nutrition therapy of enhancing vitamins, minerals and amino acids. It is also helpful to consult a doctor, but don?t wait for a blood test to tell you what will make you feel your best; start now instead. If anything, I recommend a stool test.

1 in 3 Americans are gluten intolerant. In some clients with autoimmune disease, their immune system is so worn out they can no longer produce many antibodies. This is why everyone should kick the gluten regardless of antibody test results.

To find charts on what foods balance all your hormones (thyroid, leptin, ghrelin, estrogen, testosterone and more) check out my book: Secrets to a Healthy Metabolism.

4 scallions, whites and greens separated, thinly sliced
1/2 cup coconut oil or macadamia nut oil
1 TBS crushed red pepper flakes
2 tsp sesame seeds
2 tsp Sichuan pepper, coarsely chopped (see below)
4 cups zucchini "pasta" OR 2 packages Miracle Noodles
1/4 tsp Celtic sea salt
1/4 cup tahini (sesame seed paste)
1/4 cup unseasoned rice vinegar
3 TBS organic Tamari sauce (or coconut vinegar)
2 tsp toasted sesame oil
1 tsp Swerve (or a drop of stevia glycerite)

SPECIFIC INGREDIENT:  Sichuan pepper is available at some specialty foods stores and Asian markets. If you can't find it, add an extra teaspoon each of red pepper and tahini.

In a small saucepan over low heat, sautee the scallion whites, oil, red pepper flakes, sesame seeds, and pepper. Cook until scallions are golden brown, about 12?15 minutes; let chili oil cool in saucepan.

Meanwhile, cut the zucchini into "pasta." My suggestion is to only serve the sauce on the noodles you will eat that night. The leftover noodles and sauce get a little soggy, so reserve both separate. To find the awesome noodle maker click HERE. (If using Miracle Noodles, rinse and drain the Miracle noodles well).  

Whisk tahini, vinegar, Tamari sauce, sesame oil, sugar, and 2?3 tablespoons chili oil (depending on desired heat) in a large bowl; season with salt. Add noodles and toss to coat. Top with scallion greens and drizzle with more chili oil. Makes 4 servings

Traditional Pasta = 610 calories, 31g fat, 14g protein, 68g carbs, 2g fiber (66 effective carbs)
"Healthified" Pasta = 363 calories, 31g fat, 4g protein, 5.7g carbs, 2.3g fiber (3.4 effective carbs)

White Pasta - 246 calories, 43 carbs, 0 fiber (43 effective carbs)
Zucchini "noodles" = 20 calories, 4 carbs, 2 fiber (2 effective carbs)

My suggestion is to only serve the sauce on the noodles you will eat that night. The leftover noodles and sauce get a little soggy, so reserve both separate.  I recently found a NEW Zucchini cutter that is easier to use! Click HERE to find it:)

This recipe was inspired by Bon Appetit.

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