Stay healthy this winter
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Stay healthy this winter

WINTER: The bitter weather. The short days. The fattening food. Winter brings some of its own health challenges, but you can stay healthy as we head into the springtime.

New Year?s Resolution One: Keep the Weight Off this Winter

The winter just wouldn?t be the same without cookies, bread and anything laden with butter, cream and cheese. Studies show that, on average, Americans gain one net pound per year because of winter eating of so-called comfort foods. There are ways to avoid this weighty dilemma by serving highly nutritious, tasty food even when the temperatures plunge below freezing. Helpful tips from the experts at Sinai Hospital of Baltimore and Northwest Hospital include:
? Eat more fiber, especially in the form of fruits and vegetables.
? Serve fruits and vegetables that are currently in-season; they will taste much better than out-of-season produce.
? Substitute high-fiber sweet potatoes for high-carbohydrate potatoes.
? Use low-fat dairy products in recipes.
? Use applesauce in place of butter or oil in cakes.
? Rely on seasonings and herbs rather than fat for making food tasty.

What are some healthy eating tips you rely on to get through the winter months?

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