Do You Know What You're Drinking?
Health News

Do You Know What You're Drinking?

By Dr. Madelyn Fernstrom

Among the many choices we make every day is whether to drink tap or bottled water. Here are a few facts about each that can help you decide.  
Tap water is monitored by the Environmental Protection Agency for purity and safety. Bacteria levels and other contaminant levels are tested regularly and must fall within distinct and strict regulations. If there are any problems with water sources, your local water supplier is notified immediately. You can filter out particle impurities leeching from your pipes (which can alter taste) by using a charcoal filter (e.g. Brita or Pur).  Plain or filtered tap water is cheap and tasty and a great way to hydrate.

Bottled water is regulated much differently from tap water. It is considered a food by the Food and Drug Administration. Their guidelines are still pretty specific, but different from the guidelines for tap water. Be a savvy consumer because brands vary. Look for an 800 number or a website on the bottle label where you can get information. For information on tap water, call your local municipality. It?s better to stick with name brands for bottled water, which typically go above the minimum requirements for purity. Be careful of private label brands, where quality may vary.  Plastic bottles remain an issue for environmental concerns. Newer bottles use less and incorporate recycled plastic. Water bottles are not dishwasher safe.

If you prefer the taste of bottled water, and don?t mind the expense, go for it! If you have immune system problems, your doctor might suggest you drink highly purified water ? de-ionized or reverse-osmosis. However this is not the case for most people.

So don?t assume that bottled water is safer than tap water. And no matter what kind of water you drink, the guideline of eight 8-ounce glasses a day has been modified. It?s now ?drink to satisfy your thirst.? Follow up with a urine check ? it should be pale yellow. If it?s darker, boost your water intake!

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