Food, Mood and Weight Loss
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Food, Mood and Weight Loss

Hey all! I am holding a FOOD MOOD and WEIGHT LOSS class on Sunday February 17th from 5-7pm in my home (River Falls, WI). The class is only $25. Pre-registration is required. For those of you who are out of the area there will be a webinar option. With the webinar option you get to see the slides and hear the audio just like if you were in the room!

Please email Craig at [email protected] for more details.

This class is sure to SHOCK you! Find out exactly what certain ingredients do to our cells. What we put in our mouth directly effects our our moods, depression, anxiety, MS, energy, and memory. Participants will feel empowered to make permanent lifestyle changes. Find out which foods optimize our production of neurotransmitters such as serotonin and dopamine. You will also discover the biochemical connection to cravings and how over the counter medications and poor intestinal health can lower your mood. One of the most interesting connections is between cravings and our biochemical response! The more sugar we eat, the more we crave it. If you start your day off with cereal and skim milk, you aren't going to be able to walk by the candy jar in your office at 2pm! Check out these to breakfast comparisons:

Option 1: 1 cup SMART START Cereal (1 cup skim milk and banana)
472 calories, 105 carbs, 4g fiber = 25.25 tsp of sugar in blood (IF you didn?t add any sugar!)

Option 2: 2 eggs, with 2 cups of mushrooms, peppers, onions
190 calories, 9 carbs, 3 fiber = 1.5 tsp of sugar in blood

Option 3: My homemade donut made with coconut flour
217 calories, 7.4 carbs, 4.6g fiber = 0.7 tsp of sugar in blood!

To eat is a necessity; to eat ?healthy? is an art.

TREATS will be served!
Photo of Cake Pops from The Art of Healthy Eating: KIDS cookbook.

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Health News
