Holiday Eating Tips from LifeBridge Health
Health News

Holiday Eating Tips from LifeBridge Health

By Jamie Strauss, R.D, L.D.N.
Clinical Dietitian, Food and Nutrition Services
Sinai Hospital

Will I survive the holiday eating? We often ask ourselves this question. In the back of our mind, we know that between Halloween and New Year's Day the average person gains 1 to 2 pounds. With busier schedules during the holidays, we often give in to comfort food cravings and to pressures from loved ones saying, ?C?mon, eat some more!?

But just because we are surrounded by comfort foods and family does not mean that we have to give in to the cravings and pressures to overeat. All we should do is be mindful of what and how much we are eating. And enjoy the holiday season!

Here are 10 healthy eating tips that can help with the holidays:

- Tips For Diabetics To Stay Healthy During The Holiday Season
Most people are not affected by occasional overindulging at holiday parties, but diabetics can get in serious health trouble if they aren't careful. ?If you are someone who is not in good control of your diabetes throughout the year, the holiday...

- Tips For Maintaining Your Weight This Holiday Season
The average American gains five to seven pounds between Thanksgiving and New Year's Day, but maintaining healthful eating habits can help them avoid packing on the weight, diabetes nutrition educator Sheri Setser-Legg, right, writes in the Lexington...

- Enjoy Your Holiday Eating!
By Dr. Madelyn Fernstrom With a big holiday weekend coming up ? spanning both Easter and Passover ? many of us are anticipating family time that includes all kinds of special holiday foods.  I think it?s time we all started to look forward to holiday...

- Beware Of The Office Candy Jar!
By Dr. Madelyn Fernstrom With the Thanksgiving holiday behind us, a predictable food phenomenon occurs in offices everywhere: the sudden appearance of holiday candy jars, filled to the brim with all kinds of treats! Even on desks of the most healthful...

- Creating Holiday Food Memories
By Dr. Madelyn Fernstrom With Thanksgiving just two days away, I?d like to talk about all of the positive associations of food and family that we don?t often hear about. Food has now become ?the enemy? ? it?s loaded with calories fat, sugar, and salt...

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