LifeBridge Health & Fitness featured on WJZ-TV
Health News

LifeBridge Health & Fitness featured on WJZ-TV

On last night's evening news, WJZ Channel 13 reporter Kellye Lynn profiled CrossFit Baltimore, a new exercise program for serious athletes offered at LifeBridge Health & Fitness.

CrossFit offers members a grueling, high intensity workout guaranteed to raise their fitness level in half the time as a traditional workout.

With certified trainers playing the part of drill instructors, CrossFit utilizes many traditional exercises such as squats, push-ups, and pull-ups in a completely scalable exercise routine. Scalable exercises are those that can be adjusted to accommodate each individual?s level of physical fitness or strength. There are no high-tech exercise devices in a CrossFit routine. Participants use hanging ropes, kettlebells and even car tires to accomplish all of their strength and conditioning goals.

First developed for use by law enforcement and the military, the program has been retooled for anyone interested in physical fitness. However, CrossFit still maintains its intense nature. With names like ?Fight Gone Bad,? the spirit of this workout routine is crystal clear.

CrossFit warm-ups and exercises focus on short bursts of continuous activity rather than long stretches on one machine. CrossFit is also unique in that exercises vary from day to day so participants never get bored with the same old routine. One routine might be running and doing sit-ups while the next is focused on doing pull-ups and squats. Mixing exercises helps keep the workout routine fresh and has led it to become one of largest exercises trends.

CrossFit is one of the fastest growing fitness movements in the country with over 300 official affiliates nationwide. LBH&F is the first official CrossFit affiliate in the Baltimore area.

Have you tried CrossFit? What CrossFit exercises are fixtures in your exercise routine?

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