Potatoes Are Bashed!
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Potatoes Are Bashed!

by Dr. Madelyn Fernstrom

No, it?s not a typo ? I didn?t mean potatoes are mashed! Potatoes, yet again, are under fire. The USDA has recently recommended that potatoes should be OFF the school lunch menus ? and join a list of other ?limited? starchy vegetables including corn, peas, and lima beans. While not removed from menus, the recommendation is for 1 cup per week!

You may ask ?what could they be thinking?? (I sure did!)

The goal of this decision (aimed for 2012) is to get rid of the French Fries beloved by students everywhere. That?s not a bad goal ? but this is a lot like ?throwing the baby out with the bathwater.? A medium sized baked potato (about the size of your fist) is about 100 calories, and loaded with fiber and vitamin C. To lump all potatoes in the same nutritional bin is a mistake. In fact, all potatoes are off the list ? except sweet potatoes. Yes, sweet potatoes are a good choice, but not when they?re fried (which is still allowed!).

Potatoes can be a ?gateway? vegetable ? and can be topped with broccoli, salsa, and other vegetables. It?s not always the vehicle for fatty toppings like sour cream, butter, and cheese sauce. And what about a potato bar? Many schools have these ? and offer multiple vegetable toppings, reduced-fat sour cream, and low-fat cheese.

While there are many ways to eat potatoes ? and French Fries do have a role in a healthy diet, in moderation ? I just want you to know that a baked potato is most definitely a healthy choice, good for both your budget and your waistline!

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